Tarek Pertew

Tarek Pertew

🐦⚽ | Co-founder of Uncubed
63 points
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Tarek Pertew
Tarek Pertew
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πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘
Before You Apply
A 100X better job board
Tarek Pertew
Tarek Pertew
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Great work @joescarboro - I see this need right before my eyes on a weekly basis. Kudos.
A toolkit to help startups work with corporates more easily.
Tarek Pertew
Human Job Postings, by Uncubed
Put a face (or voice) behind boring, static job postings.
Tarek Pertew
Tarek Pertew
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Thanks for dropping this in there Niamh!
Free video tutorials from hot tech companies
Tarek Pertew
Tarek Pertew
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Now we just need this for keynote...
Shutterstock Plug-In for Microsoft PowerPoint
Shutterstock Plug-In for Microsoft PowerPoint
Powerful presentations need powerful images.