Content Management Systems
You come to Product Hunt looking for recommendations and information about tech, right? We’re able to provide this to you thanks to our content management system, or CMS. It’s the software that allows us to manage our webpages, keep recommendations fresh, and even bring in industry experts to share their knowledge with you.
Video conferencing
Before Product Hunt, I spent several years building a competitor to Zoom (not successful, but quite rewarding). I’m left with a healthy appreciation for how difficult these tools are to build - in fact, they may be one of the most complex, unreliable tools that we use on a daily basis. On the surface, video chat seems simple, but under the hood there are a myriad of adaptations and tradeoffs that are being made every few milliseconds in response to network and device conditions. Speed matters. Reliability matters. Resolution matters. It’s like the internet itself - dive a bit under the surface and there be dragons.
Rajiv Ayyangar
CEO at Product Hunt