Damien Tsnkff

Damien Tsnkff

Front-End. Sometimes I design
269 points
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Damien Tsnkff
Damien Tsnkff
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As if ig wasn't fake enough already πŸ˜‚
Body editor for men. Add a six pack to your insta photos.
Damien Tsnkff
Damien Tsnkff
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I haven't been excited about a product that much in a while! Applied, can't wait.
Visual tool for building custom deep learning models
Damien Tsnkff
Damien Tsnkff
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I feel kinda sad for Facebook in a way..
Facebook Stories
Facebook Stories
Snapchat clone rolled out to users worldwide
Damien Tsnkff

Nuage Email
Create a custom address linked to your Gmail
Damien Tsnkff
Damien Tsnkff
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+1 for the ibuildmyideas.com as well πŸ‘
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