1) Is this a genuine question I have that I want the community to answer? 2) Is this an insight that will be helpful to other builders and product geeks?
If the answer isn't a confident "Yes" to one of those, don't post the thread. As an addendum to 1: When posting a question, please provide enough detail for the community to answer your question. Instead of: Subject: Analytics tools Post: "What's the best analytics tool for startups? do this: Subject: Analytics tools Post: I built a note-taking app, , and we launched 6 months ago. I'm trying to understand user behavior and I've been using for analytics. I'm considering switching to something like Mixpanel or Metabase. What do other people use for user behavior analytics? What other questions should I be asking?I am at the stage when I want to formally move my business to a foreign country (for example, to take advantage of better tax conditions, fees, etc.).
Which country offers the easiest way to start a business, ideally to set up everything electronically (without unnecessary bureaucracy, where they ask you to show up physically. 🥲 – It feels like a pain in Europe)
The more information (and advantages), the better.