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Michael Deng
What the **** does that mean Kobe Bryant? BATRANK is a better user experience for exploring the large and growing dataset of car auctions. We use data science and AI to unlock insights that help buyers and sellers make data-driven decisions.
Zillow for car auctions. You're welcome.
Michael Deng
Michael Deng
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This is a game-changer. Congrats team!
AI-powered portfolio analyzer, driven by your inbox
Michael Deng
We watch F1, play racing games, or drive our cars for fun, but most never get to experience motorsports outside of dreams and TV screens. Track Manual was built to help make the racetrack and motorsports accessible for all, paving the path of fan to driver.
Track Manual
Track Manual
The ultimate how-to guide for taking your car to a racetrack
Michael Deng

Actions turn Slack messages into inputs, enabling people to set work in motion and make sure nothing falls through the cracks between Slack and the tools they use for work. Learn more on the Slack Platform blog.

Actions from Slack
Turn Slack messages into tickets, issues, tasks, and more.
Michael Deng

Top Medium Stories showcases the best stories written on Medium. You can filter the stories by year and the list is updated daily.

Top Medium Stories
The top stories on Medium, updated daily πŸ†
Michael Deng

Top Medium Stories showcases the best stories written on Medium. You can filter the stories by year and the list is updated daily.

Top Medium Stories
The top stories on Medium, updated daily πŸ†
Michael Deng
Michael Deng
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Hilarious and so useful, what's not to love?
Silence embarrassing notifications while screensharing
Michael Deng
Michael Deng
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It looks fantastic! Thanks for building this! πŸ™Œ
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