Product Hunt Daily Digest
February 26th, 2019

You might be a freelancer by 2027

“What's a tool that changed your life?” - us to freelancers on Twitter yesterday.

Why we think this is an important question: freelancing often means unchartered territory. When you work for yourself, it's up to you to find clients, lead projects, manage payments, find insurance, get dressed every day, etc. But freelancing as a career option is on the rise — reports predict that a majority of the U.S. workforce will be freelance by 2027.

Want that life? Here are some of the apps that freelancers are currently using:

Freshbooks for getting paid 💸
Slack for communication 💬
Notion for an all-in-one workspace 🙌
Webflow for web design ✍️
Qlearly as a tabs manager 👀
Nuzzel for news monitoring 🗞
Unsplash for images 🌄
Things for managing tasks 📝
Pastel for feedback and questions❓
1Password for security 🔒
AND CO for invoicing, expenses and proposals 👏

More freelancer tools

In this week's episode of Product Hunt Radio, social media consultant Matt Navarra joins us to chat about:

🔮 What social will look like 10-20 years from now
👀 Why algorithms need to have ethics
👥 How to grow your social following as a startup founder

Listen now and big thanks to our sponsor AngelList and FreshBooks for their support. 😸

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