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Dark Mode for evvvverrryyything πŸ™πŸŒš
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Dark Mode for evvvverrryyything πŸ™πŸŒš
Night mode is the best when burning the midnight oil in front of the LCD. Unfortunately, most sites don’t offer this option to night owls.
Frustratingly, not every website has a Night Mode available.
Dark Reader is an extension that turns every website into Night Mode. It's magical, and available for Chrome and Firefox. There are also specific extensions for GitHub, Medium, Google, and Messenger.
This isn't the only extension built to make your web browsing better:
🐦 Refined Twitter is the Twitter we've always wanted. Embedded Instagram pictures, a chronological feed, and auto-loaded new tweets.
🐱 Refined GitHub linkifies issue/PR references in code, comments in titles, marks issues and PRs as unread, preserves Markdown, and much much more. Open-source Sindre Sorhus is behind both Refined GitHub and Twitter.
πŸ“‘ Toby cleans up your browser tabs. No more tab hoarding!
😬 Grammarly for Chrome prevents typos in yur importnt emaails.

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