Product Hunt Daily Digest
May 16th, 2018

Google’s new AI-powered news app 📰
The new Google News is here for iOS and Android, announced last week at Google's annual developer conference.

Powered by AI, the app delivers the most important stories of the day using a now familiar story-like format.

This isn't the only app trying to reinvent the way we consume #content:

Swiipe News was built by a 14-year-old developer, with a Tinder-esque interface to discover stories from 50+ favorite news sources.

Ground finds the best local news, built by a NASA engineer.

Citizen is replacing the local news, delivering notifications of nearby robberies, murders, and naked thieves (no joke).

Unfiltered News organizes stories on a map based on what each country is talking about to break outside your filter bubble.

Sip delivers the most important tech news at 5pm each day. It’s probably the great app of all time.

If you can't get enough content, we have just the link for you. ✨
NEW Google News 📰
Smart home ecosystems are trending. Now you can grow fresh produce (and even cannabis) from the comfort of your 350 sq ft apartment in San Francisco. They come in all shapes and sizes:

🏡 The Wall Farm (above) is the easiest way to grow fresh food indoors
🍁 Leaf is a plug-n'-plant automatic cannabis home grow system
🍃 IKEA's indoor gardening system is pretty great
😎 Air Bonsai is just the coolest plant ever

Check out the full collection of smart home ecosystems. 👀