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A wearable that shocks you into being good ⚡️
A wearable that shocks you into being good ⚡️
We’re one week into 2017, a time when many revert back to bad habits, bailing on their important New Year’s Resolutions. But not you. You got this! All you need is this wearable to shock you (as demonstrated in the GIF above). ⚡️  

We also have less shocking products for those that are less masochistic to help you achieve your #goals and build healthy habits:

• LifeTracker and Time both use AI to keep you more productive
• Habit List and Streaks will help you form new habits
• Gyroscope and Instant track the metrics for your life
• The 7 Minute Workout will keep you in tip-top shape

For more, check out the full collection on Product Hunt!
Product Hunt myths debunked! We wanted to clear up some of the common misconceptions about upvoting, linking to your product, company accounts, and more! 😽
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Daily Digest
Monday through Friday
For those with FOMO. Never miss a headline and be the first to spot the next big thing among the top 10 products each day.