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Mat Silva
Mat Silva
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Would love to have this, but for my preferred coffee roaster.
Coffee automatically restocked using a smart scale
Mat Silva
Mat Silva
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This is awesome
Signup forms filled automatically with random identities
Mat Silva
Mat Silva
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I can confirm. Email huntr is str8 goat
Find all the email addresses related to a domain
Mat Silva
Mat Silva
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This is great. Quick question, is there plans for api access?
Pexels Videos 2.0
Completely free, high quality stock videos.
+1 comment
Mat Silva
Mat Silva
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My first 3 seconds in the platform were.... WOW!
Create beautiful CSS animations in your browser
Mat Silva
Mat Silva
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Cool stuff, just submitted my startup, 150 in queue, woot!
The Startup Button
The Startup Button
One button, 20 different startups
Mat Silva
Mat Silva
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Cool stuff David. Congrats on the launch!
Customizable birdeye's view of your Github project
Mat Silva
Mat Silva
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Took me about 5 seconds to know I needed this. Nice work!
Play for Web
Play for Web
Listen to articles from around the web