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    Start your own audio show

    Content creators now have the freedom to jazz-up 😉 their programming with a little music.

    Last week, Anchor and Spotify brought together podcasting and songs. Whether you’re an aspiring radio host or you’re looking for some epic background music, Shows with Music will allow you to create your own audio show.

    Snapchatters will also be able to include some background beats with Sounds for Snapchat. You can now add songs to snaps, which may seem long overdue with the likes of TikTok and Instagram Reels. However, Snapchat hopes to gain an edge by letting users create their own sounds and add them to snaps in the upcoming months.

    If you can’t remember the song you want to add, you can always attempt to “hum it out” with Google’s new ‘hum to search’ feature. No one will hear your awkward humming (well, except for Google).

    Here are some products that can offer a soundtrack for your life:

    Streamradiox is Spotify for streamers (without the copyright claims).
    cchound 2.0 is a roundup of licensed music you can use for your creative projects.
    Third Space offers you soundscapes from everyday places to offset WFH isolation.
    Fugue 2.0 is free stock music for content creators.
    UHMMM plays elevator music to avoid awkward silences during meetings.
    Ocean beta allows you to create electro beats to share with friends.

    Inspired to start your own audio show? Let us know what you think of this reveal. 👇


    Here’s something handy: 3,000 Hands is a free library of diverse 3D hand gestures. Use responsibly.

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