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    NEW: Edit tweets
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    NEW: Edit tweets

    In 2018, we saw a version of Brizzly launch for social media quitters. It was like a Twitter “substitute,” where users could type what they’re thinking, hit send and get a dopamine hit.

    “Brizzly was my favorite Twitter client before Twitter killed off all the Twitter clients. They invented the summaries that explain what’s trending and why. (Twitter added them way later.) I cannot wait to use the new Brizzly.” - Brian

    Today, Brizzly is launching a new iteration of its Twitter client. For $6 per month, you can now “edit” tweets using Brizzly; the app gives you an undo button and auto-deletion features. 👀

    How it works: The undo button is really a set delay between when a person sends their tweet and when it actually posts (the length of the delay is up to you — it can be up to 10 minutes). If you choose to “redo” your tweet, Brizzly will also let you make changes to the copy and then delete your old tweet. It’s as close to editing tweets as it gets right now since Twitter founder Jack Dorsey has said it will probably never happen.

    If you want to use Brizzly’s auto-delete feature, you can set a time period (anywhere from 24 hours to one month) that ensures your tweets delete after you send them. You can also “fave to save” your favorite tweets to save them from being deleted.

    Some more products to improve your Twitter experience: 👇

    🐦 Refined Twitter for a simplified UI

    🐦 Twitter Lite for faster connection speeds

    🐦 Twitter Try to tweet from your desktop

    🐦 Flitter for more customization on Twitter


    WFH happy hour is here. Join virtual happy hour events on Zoom while we all work from home. 🥂

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