Dustin Coates

Dustin Coates

Internet Person
85 points
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Dustin Coates
Dustin Coates
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How do you actually escalate access? Do you need Admin access to all of my apps?
Secure your production infrastructure without slowing down
Dustin Coates

Add the whole speech to text experience from permissions to UI in minutes in Android or iOS apps with Algolia’s Voice Overlay, whether you use Algolia for search or not.

Voice Overlay for Android and iOS Devs by Algolia
Voice Overlay for Android and iOS Devs by Algolia
Add speech to text to any app in minutes
Dustin Coates

Voice-first is a nascent but growing technology. There are many opportunities for companies to stake their claims early. Algolia’s here to help. Get started with our Alexa Skills Kit adapter to build your own search into your skills.

Algolia Alexa Skills Kit
Algolia Alexa Skills Kit
Integrate Algolia search into your Amazon Skill
Dustin Coates
Search Grader by Algolia
A free tool to evaluate your product's search experience
Dustin Coates
Algolia SuperSearch
Find every commercial ever aired during the Big Game!
Dustin Coates
To Build Something
To Build Something
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