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    The next big audio social network?
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    The next big audio social network?
    Cappuccino launched on Product Hunt over the weekend with a fresh take on social audio. Record a short voice memo, or ‘bean’ as they call it, to share with your friends and family. This ‘bean’ could be a short anecdote from your day, a joke, a thought, anything really. Every morning at 8am the app delivers a ‘cappuccino’, a compilation of you and your friends’ audio stories.

    Olivier, Cappuccino cofounder, shared:

    “Our goal with Cappuccino is to provide an amazing way to start the day with a daily show created from the voice messages of your friends.”

    Although early days for the team, the feedback from the Product Hunt community has been positive:

    “Been loving using Cappuccino these past few weeks, such a lovely and more intimate way to connect with my family and friends.“ – Anthony

    “It became such a joy to play my cappuccino as I'm getting ready for the day ahead, and have my morning filled with the voices and stories of my closest friends.” – Sarah

    “I really enjoy the unique way the app connects you with your friends. It's almost like a mini-podcast consisting of snippets / slice of life insights from friends.” – David

    We’ve seen an increase in audio products launch on Product Hunt this year. In person encounters have been harder to maintain with social distancing in place, but social connections are more needed than ever.

    We talked about this in more detail at the start of the month covering the 2.0 launch of YAC, and back in May with the launches of Watercooler and Walkie. Although these products are more geared to work-based audio communication, Cappuccino brings the focus back to smaller social circles with friends and family.

    Makers are finding creative ways to use audio to help us remain connected, in what feels like a disconnected world. People are expanding their social network on Clubhouse; deepening their connections with their team using YAC, Tandem, Walkie, and Watercooler (among others); and creating more intimacy through audible stories with Cappuccino and Saga.
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