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Delete yourself from the internet
Delete yourself from the internet
Jack Dorsey and Sheryl Sandberg testified in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday, almost a year after they divulged that Russia had used fake accounts to influence the 2016 election.

Google declined to send anyone. Some lawmakers are threatening to subpoena the founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. 😳

Questions yesterday ranged from data privacy to fake videos that have spread on the platforms, especially as machine-learning tools like Lyrebird and Facehub let anybody impersonate's voice and likeness with less than a minute of audio.

Coincidentally, Vanish launched yesterday to help you delete all of your social accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, Gmail, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and more. Warning: click delete, and all of your data and dog pictures will be gone forever.

Vanish isn't the only pro-deletion app: Phototrash lets you quickly delete old photos by swiping left and right (just like on Tinder!), and this Message Deleter for Slack will clear through your old work messages. Please ask your boss before you run the app. πŸ™

This super simple API turns HTML/CSS into Images. Like magic. ✨

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