Product Hunt Daily Digest
May 23rd, 2017

Must-have apps for product managers ⚡️🔮
The job of a Product Manager is to help your team build the right product for your users, and ship it on time. How PMs do that varies in every organization, but the tools of the trade remain the same all around.

• ProductPlan will help you visualize and share the product roadmap
• One Big Thing will keep you focused on the biggest task on hand
• Typeform is a simple way to generate user surveys
• Pinpoint is a helpful tool for marking up screenshots on iOS
• CloudApp lets you annotate screenshots & GIFs from the menubar

P.S. Intercom's hugely popular book on product management is a must.
Apps for Product Managers
Last year Google announced a new innovative whiteboard for teams. It's super cool. Today Google Jamboard is finally available to purchase (but it's expensive).