What SaaS products do you or your startup use that you couldn't live without?

Sharath Kuruganty
98 replies


Calendly, Stripe and Bubble.io without a doubt.
Sharath Kuruganty
@millionlabs, as a founder who built an MVP using bubble, I feel happy and proud :)
Izuorah Dubem
@millionlabs Is Stripe a Saas? I think it's more like a Payment as a service
Pranav Goyal
Slack Notion 2.0 comes to the mind within seconds.
Sharath Kuruganty
@pranav_goyal can't tell you how much slack and notion took my mind space :)
@pranav_goyal Hi Pranav, I invite you to try www.Qinaps.com since you mentioned Notion :)
Ryan Hoover
There are many, but at Weekend Fund our most used app is Front. BIG fan of their collaborative emailing and inbox chat.
Sharath Kuruganty
@rrhoover oh wow never used Front but I heard it's one of the best communication tools out there!
Anshul Sojatia
Slack, Freshdesk and Google Drawings.
Pramod Rao
Notion, Integromat, Coupler.io, Calendly
Margot Soulier
Slack, Trello, Pipedrive for sure!
Greg Fragin
we use slack and notion most heavily but bring it all together with Loop (loophq.com)
Grisel Dugarte
Slack and Trello
Wilhelm Rahn
@ivarsmas ClickUp users here as well, mainly for their Docs :]
Mike Ivars
@wilhelmr I think this is only feature that we don't use.. because we use Slab, and considering seriously now migrate to Notion.so
@ivarsmas Thats a lot of tools you use! Do u use them on a daily basis?
@ivarsmas @wilhelmr Do you know if Clickup is comparable to Notion? And what are the differences if any?
Mike Ivars
@wilhelmr @nilova_pande ClickUp is a task manager o project manage software, but too have a small feature for manage docs/notes, Notion on the other hand, is a wiki software or notes manager specialized only in this.
Stripe, slack, Roam Research and supabase. :)
Liza Karelina
Trello, Zoom, Calendly, AtTrack
Marcos Ortiz
Stripe, Google Cloud Platform, Slack, ChiliPiper, Bench, ConvertKit
Sajeeb Rahman
Miro, Slack, Hemingway Editor, LegalVision, Zoom, Canva, Zapier
sachin londhe
I personally use Grammarly. As someone whose first language is not English it's a true respite.
Sameer Kumar
Sentry, LogRocket, AWS, Webflow, Ahref and Grammarly!
wealth tour with bimsy
Dotcompal but i did not keep it fr long
Nick Latocha
I'm probably biased but https://inalysis.org/ - if you're a remote startup it's really important to monitor your employee engagement and fix any issues.