Hydration. Is it important to you?

Nik Hazell
10 replies
We're looking at launching an *electrolyte brand* - not for athletes, but for day-to-day life. No sugar, unflavoured, natural! So, two questions. Do you prioritise your hydration? And, do you already take electrolytes?


Hugh Parry
Launching soon!
Who's your target audience more specifically? I've always felt that a jokey brand that targeted hungover people (that desperately need electrolytes!) could do pretty well, and could be fairly straight forward to market
Nik Hazell
@hugh_parry Thanks! Yeah, I never know with physical products 🤷🏻‍♂️
Nik Hazell
@hugh_parry Ha -yeah, do agree with you. We're actually going a bit more to the high end chilled/wellness angle. Have you heard of the brand Aesop? It's that kind of vibes. We're trying to *avoid* sports (lots of that kicking about) - but a hangover is certainly fair game!
Hugh Parry
Launching soon!
@nik_hazell Sounds interesting. Gave your launch a follow - interested to see what the Product Hunt community makes of it!
Kabir Haynes
Yes hydration is very important
Nik Hazell
@kabir_haynes reckon you manage to stay hydrated?
Ruben Boonzaaijer
I was looking for something like this but all the options there are right now are pretty expensive
Nik Hazell
@ruben_boonz I think ours comes in at about $0.30 per serving 🙂. Also, Ringly looks interesting - are you targeting SMEs/startups, or is it a bit more corporate?
Ruben Boonzaaijer
@nik_hazell ecom startups first, we want to learn from that first