How do you organize all the Startup ideas you have?
Bahaa Mahagne
10 replies
Felicitas Hilge@felicitashilge
Infinity Maps
Uh, very curious to learn which tools others use
Infinity Maps
Those, that I write down, I put in my big personal iMap, or now Infinity Maps. But frankly, I do not systematically manage business ideas, since I don't have time for most of them. And the good ones keep coming back to me anyway.
I'm using google spreadsheet so I can easily sort idea based on the different scoring criterions.
Career Switch To Coding
I have a list in todoist that i add all my ideas to
I use notion for taking down ideas, planning, research etc. Probably the most flexible tool for taking notes.
I have a dedicated section in the notes 😁
Infinity Maps
@heikohaller can you tell us more about the iMap method?
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