The best knowledge base software in 2024

Tried, tested, and reviewed by the community

Rely.ioioniContentrainUpwordAfforaiPodwise AINawvel
Knowledge base software organizes and stores information for easy access. It includes features like article creation, search, and user permissions.
Multilingual Speech-to-Text API with superhuman accuracy
Most Loved Products
119 reviews's Internal Developer Portal enables engineering teams to consolidate and unify their engineering stack and gain automated visibility into their software ecosystem. Rely then provides a custom AI assistant trained on the data available in their software catalog so they can automate tasks throughout the software delivery life cycle (SDLC) to 10x their engineering productivity.
Dean Yeong
Phil Mishanin
Ricardo Castro
Dean Yeong and 229 others use
129 reviews
ioni is a ChatGPT-based AI platform that automatically generates responses to customer support inquiries, using knowledge bases as the main source. ioni helps to improve your customer experience and increase the efficiency of customer support teams.
Udayraj Parmar
Tornike Tsiramua
Slava Nikitenko
Udayraj Parmar and 225 others use ioni
43 reviews
Headless CMS that combines Git and Serverless Platforms to optimize content management on digital products for developers and content creators. Contentrain is the ultimate playground for developers, where they can use their favorite tech stack to build awesome products with modern JS Frameworks like Nuxt, Next, Astro, Vue, React... Access full control over your website, knowledge base, documentation or SEO content without developer support with awesome content editing interfaces and features.
Gon Gged
Yucel F. Sahan
Eren Dik
Gon Gged and 135 others use Contentrain
104 reviews
Eden Vidal
Eden Vidal and 693 others use Upword
285 reviews
Afforai is the AI-powered reference manager for modern researchers. With Afforai, you can manage, cite, annotate your papers, as well as conduct verifiable literature reviews using AI. Our mission at Afforai is accelerate the world's research by designing tools that enhance the capabilities of researchers, not to replace them. Some of our products include: Afforai Reference Manager (ARM), Afforai Cite, Afforai Notebook, Afforai AI Research Assistant.
Ronald Yau
Ruhani Rabin
Walter Adamson
Ronald Yau and 485 others use Afforai
211 reviews
Clear your mind, stay organized, and be productive by simply writing *things* down. Twos is more than a notes app, *things* allow you to capture notes, todos, reminders, calendar events & lists, in one simple place. Be a better you by writing *things* down in Twos ✌️
Tracy Ingram
Andrew Brodsky
Hamza Afzal Butt and 583 others use Twos
Podwise AI
55 reviews
Unleash the power of podcasts with Podwise. It transcribes, extracts insights and summarizes dense episodes across tech, history, fitness. Seamlessly integrated with Notion, Readwise & more to weave podcast knowledge into your second brain.
Salar Davari
Salar Davari and 107 others use Podwise AI
54 reviews
Nawvel is a library updated by modern day librarians called curators. We spend 1000s of $$$ on resources and 1000s of hours on researching quality resources to save you time.
Cagri Sarigoz
Sachin and 54 others use Nawvel
99 reviews
Docusaurus helps you ship a top-notch documentation site in no time! Focus on your content: just write Markdown files! Put your site online in 5 minutes, then customize it. Full-featured: plugins, themes, search, blog, versioning, i18n, React...
Sebastien Lorber
Johan Steneros
Sebastien Lorber and 225 others use Docusaurus
40 reviews
Scribe automatically creates step-by-step process guides. Now, with Pages, add your guides to a custom process document alongside text, lists and video. Create beautiful onboarding guides, training materials, SOPs and more — in minutes!
Maisha L. Cannon
Abigail Wiliams
Akash Verma
Maisha L. Cannon and 91 others use Pages by Scribe