Sachin Sinha

Sachin Sinha

Co-Founder at MeetRecord
101 points
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Sachin Sinha
AI Coaching by MeetRecord uses your historic call data to define a review criteria. Then it evaluates each call, scores them based on this criteria and shares feedback that your sales team can use to improve performance.
End-to-End AI Coaching by MeetRecord
End-to-End AI Coaching by MeetRecord
AI based end-to-end coaching solution that drives sales
Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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Congrats @nikhilbapna on the launch!
Simply Local
Simply Local
Hyperlocal social network with channels, area-broadcast
Sachin Sinha
Acquiring customers is hard, retaining them is even harder.
Every customer meeting is filled with insights you could easily miss. MeetRecord helps customer success teams get deep insights from meetings to boost retention and find upsell opportunities.
Reduce churn using insights from customer meetings
Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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Yes. I'd rather decide myself if I want to play the video.
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
Do you find auto-play videos inside the hunts distracting?
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
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Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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Starting something is not the hardest part, making it work is actually tougher.
Sharath Kuruganty
What has most surprised you about founding a startup?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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I want to launch my side project - repository of TV Ads
Lisa Dziuba
29 days left before 2022 🔥 What do you want to finish & accomplish before the end of the year?
Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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My favourite tool is Softr
Lisa Dziuba
What's your favourite tools to launch MVP?
Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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Congratulations Vaibhav. Looks super useful.
Learner's Kit
Self Learning kit to get your learning journey started 💡
Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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Never use sub domains - Google treats them almost like separate websites, always use sub folders.
Sharath Kuruganty
What's one marketing/SEO tip you want to share with fellow founders?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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Record and get insights from every online meeting
Sharath Kuruganty
Share your latest product here to get support, feedback, users!
Sharath Kuruganty
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+1 comment
Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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Work on my side project.
Sharath Kuruganty
What are you planning to do this weekend?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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This is super useful.👍 Congratulations on the launch Sai & @aniket_mandle
Speed dial for your frequently shared profile links
Sachin Sinha
Sachin Sinha
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Sharath Kuruganty
What's you fav scheduling apps?
Sharath Kuruganty
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