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Mohsen Shoja
Shopgram is a search engine for Shopify stores and products. It gives you instant access to the data and analytics of more than 1.2 Million Shopify stores and products based on different metrics.
All in one e-commerce data tool
Mohsen Shoja
Shopgram is a kind of search engine for Shopify stores. It lists about 750K stores and analyses them based on different metrics. For anyone who wants to know how stores in different industries are working or want to run their own one, Shopgram is a must!
Explore Shopify Stores by Shopgram
Explore Shopify Stores by Shopgram
A free analyzing tool for exploring top Shopify stores
Mohsen Shoja
Hengam uses artificial intelligence to predict the risk of uninstallation for each user and prevents it by automatically sending your persuasive messages through push notifications.
Revive your idle users with insights and predictions
Mohsen Shoja
Working long hours looking at a screen can harm the eyes. This simple and elegant tool reminds you to take short breaks doing some excersises (looking at far distance, rotating eyes, having some water, ... or your custome breaks) to reset your eyes.
Safe Eyes
Safe Eyes
Protect your eyes from repetitive strain
Mohsen Shoja
If you use private/incognito mode for using two accounts on a website, this exntension (by mozilla itself) is for you. You'll have different color labeled containers with seprate cookies. Also it's great if you dont like Google to track your searched keywords.
Firefox Multi-Account Containers
Firefox Multi-Account Containers
keep parts of your online life separated in color-coded tabs
Mohsen Shoja
Mohsen Shoja
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Reverse transformation is not supported? (from upside down to normal text)
Upside Down Text Generator
Upside Down Text Generator
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Mohsen Shoja
Mohsen Shoja
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Very interesting, waiting for android version to give it a try :)
Your AI virtual yoga assistant 🧘