Felix Häusler

Felix Häusler

Infinity Vertigo
49 points
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Felix Häusler
We partnered with Platinum Atlassian Partners, to reimagine the way modern communication should happen across the world's best Dev Ops Suite. Grape runs in the sidebar of your favourite tools, allowing you to manage informal communication across all software.
Grape | Atlassian Messenger
Grape | Atlassian Messenger
Sidebar Chat in your favorite Atlassian Products
Felix Häusler
Felix Häusler
left a comment
Nice beautiful product - enjoy it a lot :)
ClipCard for Mac
ClipCard for Mac
Instant cloud search with a keystroke on your Mac
Felix Häusler
ChatGrape for iOS
ChatGrape for iOS
Manage your team and your cloud services while on the road
Felix Häusler
Chat that autocompletes your company data while typing