Omid Ahourai

Omid Ahourai

Dev & UI, Digital Nomad, Entrepreneur
42 points
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Omid Ahourai
Omid Ahourai
left a comment
This looks amazing, congrats! I hope lots of people will benefit.
Procreate Match
Procreate Match
Matchmaking for people ready to have kids
Omid Ahourai
Omid Ahourai
left a comment
This would be great for my next hackathon ;p
A one-click ephemeral database
Omid Ahourai
Omid Ahourai
left a comment
Tried it, felt like a rockstar for 4 minutes, then removed it. #worthit
Github Feel Good
A Chrome extension that enhances your Github profile 💚
Omid Ahourai
Omid Ahourai
left a comment
This is great! Everyone needs everything on-demand!
Create an on-demand business in minutes