Gautam Prajapati

Gautam Prajapati

Software Engineer
11 points
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Gautam Prajapati
Gautam Prajapati
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It will be helpful to add some more details here to how exactly it works.
Only One
Only One
A platform to protect the ocean & tackle the climate crisis.
Gautam Prajapati
Gautam Prajapati
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Good idea. Have been facing this issue myself. Waiting for iOS/Web version to try out.
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Gautam Prajapati
Gautam Prajapati
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How is this different from Exploding Topics?
Creative Minds Weekly
Creative Minds Weekly
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Gautam Prajapati
Gautam Prajapati
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Good to see on product hunt!
At-home fitness app for strength, cardio, dance and yoga
Gautam Prajapati
Gautam Prajapati
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Wonderful idea and execution. Definitely going to use it regularly. Thank you so much for this!
Free-forever meditation. Made for people, not for profit