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    Largest video game database & video game discovery service
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    The community submitted 78 reviews to tell us what they like about RAWG, what RAWG can do better, and more.
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    4.9/5All time (1 review)
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    78 Reviews
    Andres G. Carmona
    1 review
    Very nice UI design. Version one was better in my opinion.
    1 review
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    Review of RAWG

    I just stumbled over this website and after a few minutes already recommended it to a friend. Looks very promising, especially the "development team"-section is something I'm interested in. This section and the knowledge about who wrote and created games is most often overlooked

    Jason Alt
    Jason Alt
    Co-Founder, NetStudy.com
    1 review
    Reviewed this product
    Review of RAWG

    Is the primary purpose as a recommendation engine? Is it a reviews aggregator? Is it a "do everything thats already being done elsewhere, but do it in one place" website? What does RAWG do that Steam/Metacritic/Gamerankings/gaming websites don't already do? I guess I don't see the value to spending hours making a unified list of all the games that I already own and that I already know that I own, when having that final list doesnt seem to provide any new utility.

    Michail Ger
    PR & marketing, RAWG.io
    5 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Dozens of tons of games, any platforms, any genres, ratings and recommendations. If you are using more than one game platform RAWG is must have.
    Matthew Dias
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of RAWG Discover

    Cool vision for what a gaming platform can be. It's been fun to watch the product grow, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for it.

    Антон Орлов
    Developer, orels1.tips
    2 reviews
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    Review of RAWG TLDR

    If you're in love with games, and can't resist from getting another 10 "icons" during every single Steam Sale - RAWG is just for you. The killer-feature for me is automated game import system that keeps all my games in one place, which was always an issue for me, since I actively play on every platform there is.

    2 reviews
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    Ive been using RAWGs API for my now defunct and soon-to-be remade bot for the subreddit r/gamingsuggestions (the one shown in the presentation). its awsome because i can access their search in case people misspell a games name, it has a lot of small/old games missing form other sites and now they added support for series which im looking to implementing. all around a great experience, especially now that there is official documentation for the API
    1 review
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    Review of RAWG Discover

    friendly staff

    Konstantin Inin
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of RAWG

    Nothing more to tell: the idea to have some place where your games info is stored and all games info is stored is great. Last time I checked, I found no use of it for me.

    Recommended this product
    Review of RAWG

    Great product if you want to have a library of video games and discover new ones
