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  • Hiver

    Making email collaboration a delightful experience for teams
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    What do people think of Hiver?

    The community submitted 49 reviews to tell us what they like about Hiver, what Hiver can do better, and more.
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    4.5/5All time (2 reviews)
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    49 Reviews
    Charly Amoruso

    Founder & Leadership

    11 reviews
    Good shared inbox tool right in your Gmail, so you don't have to move away to another app.
    Ankur Singh
    Community, AI and Growth
    196 reviews
    Amir Moin
    Amir Moin
    Product Manager @SmokescreenTech
    2 reviews
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    Review of Hiver 3.0
    Deb Mukherjee
    SaaS Marketing Leader • Growth Advisor
    96 reviews
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    Review of Hiver Lite
    Brant Myers
    Client Services Manager, Terradatum
    2 reviews
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    Review of Hiver 2.0
    Before Hiver, managing a shared support Inbox was impossible. Hiver ensures that no client requests are missed, that every request is assigned quickly, and that we all have visibility into what others are working on.
    George Mathew
    Accounting for startups in Singapore
    1 review
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    Review of Hiver 3.0
    Hi, I'm George, founder of Futurebooks, an accounting firm for tech startups in Singapore. We use G-Suite to power our email services, and Hiver has been an incredible find for us. Hiver has transformed our Gmail interface (which we love) into a customer service solution, without requiring any re-training. The chrome extension is light, intuitive, and has made a world of difference in how we handle our customer emails, keep a tab on work volume, as well as collaborate internally. We are also pleased with Hiver's incredible customer focus, from answering support queries within an hour, to releasing regular improvements. More power to Team Hiver 👍🏾
    Matt Smith
    1 review
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    Review of Hiver 3.0
    Hiver was a great product when we started using it a couple years ago; it’s even better now. It has dramatically simplified our group email management (including ensuring we have backups and continuity of operations), as well as tracking customer service metrics. It is so efficient that we have decided we don’t need a separate ticketing software for production support for our ERP systems. Recently, the upgraded Analytics tool has opened up possibilities for dashboards across our various group emails. It really is a great (and surprisingly powerful) tool.
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Hiver 3.0
    Michael Dantzie
    Danzy Design & Marketing
    13 reviews
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    Review of Hiver 3.0
    Fedor Tyurin
    enable:Banking CTO & co-founder
    3 reviews
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    Review of Hiver