Hi 👋
This is my first time launching on Product hunt and I wanted to start off with a simple tool that I've wanted to see made far a while now. It ain't much but I've got to start somewhere.
All you need to do is write a simple adjective, press the "Get Result" button and just like that you'll be writing without the lazy "very" dragging you down.
At the moment there are only about 150 words added in my database. If you want to see an adjective added (or make any suggestion at all) please press the "Update Database" button to improve the experience for everyone!
Please let me know what you think!
PS: Each word has at least 2 results, so make sure you press the refresh button if you want to see more options.
In the words of Borat Sagdiyev, "Very nice!" Once you get a substantial database, you should introduce a Chrome extension that flags weak "very" word pairs and suggests the more concise adjective.
Hey fun! Months ago I had a project going called verydictionary.com. It was the exact same thing.
Unfortunately had to sunset it.
Great to see something similar is back! Will be using it 👍🏻
Still got it on my server. Maybe you can find some additional words here.