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An ode to extensions
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An ode to extensions

Sometimes simple actions are the most satisfying.
Checking Google Calendar in a click.
Snipping highlights to Notion from anywhere.
Pasting copy and formulas from an arsenal of your creation.
Collapsing your tabs — you’ll need them later.
Telling YouTube ads to f*ck off already.

Here are eight highlights from the world of extensions over the last year.

Hijack Your Feed - Replace Twitter ads with eye-catching to-dos.

“The personal feed is one of the most influential inventions in computation to date… We were curious what a product that allows you to hijack your feed to work for You, instead of advertisers, looked like” - Jason Yuan, maker 5.0 - Bookmark everything, with full-text search.

“This cuts out so much effort in the post-bookmarking "processing" [that] nags me constantly.” - Nida Nizam, commenter

Button for Google Calendar - See your schedule and join meetings in a click.

“Saves me extra time on typing and less 1 click - might seem small, but it’s not for someone who uses calendar a lot!” - Alex Zhezherov, commentor

CSS Scan Pro 2.0 - Hover, get CSS, copy and export.

“I launched [CSS Scan Pro] with the vision of re-imagining the Devtools for web design.” - Guilherme Rizzo, maker - Turn bulleted lists into emails.

"I waste so much much time going from that 'bullet point' version... to something that sounds like reasonably coherent english!” - Brian Sierakowski, commenter

Trove - Create highlights and comments across the internet.

“Context switching sucks. There's so much interesting information out there that I want to collect... saving highlights on any page is now just a click away.” - Akshath Sivaprasad, maker

Text Blaze - Eliminate repetitive typing with saved snippets.

“You can start saving hours of repetitive typing, ...create dynamic snippets using formulas, and form fields and collaborate with your colleagues on shared snippets.” – Dan Barak, maker

Wardrobe for Chrome - Keep tabs tucked away.

“I love how my browser is not cluttered anymore” - Lyviama Uguaynh, commenter

Don't forget to tell those YouTube ads to F*ckOff (no revenue or makers are harmed in the use of this product).

How much?

How much is that Tesla actually going to cost? Don’t forget to factor in the energy costs.

EEVEE is making charging costs more apparent for drivers with the goal of ultimately increasing EV adoption. It combines home, office, and public charging data with energy rates to generate a holistic view of costs.

What Marty Bell, founder of Poolsuite, has to say about building for fun
Poolsuite doesn’t track KPIs. Bell doesn’t call himself a CEO. He and the ragtag group of designers & developers who work on the “virtual vacation” station just have fun.
Cat Nips

Date: Monday is our next AMA discussion with KP, Program Director at On Deck. Bring your questions on no-code, building in public, and beyond.

Quote: Community member Dimitris Karavias on Product Hunt - “Came for the products, stayed for the people.”

Stat: $3.3M and $2.1M — The seed rounds just raised by Text Blaze and, respectively. Those are two of the quick writing extensions we just mentioned up top.

Learning: “Diving right into [a] new skill is the best way to learn it. Even if you feel uncomfortable. Even if you're worried that you can't do it. Just dive right in. The more you think "this is new and hard" the harder it will be to learn the new skill. If at all possible, don't even think about how you don't know much about the skill. My current Slack status is "Just get started" - the idea is if you just begin the task, you're more likely to get it done :)” Read more insight from Marie Prokopets’ AMA.

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