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Apps we use every day 📱📆
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Apps we use every day 📱📆
“What I care about is building daily utility. It's the first thing people check when they wake up...” – Jack Dorsey, on Product Hunt Live.

What are some apps you use every day? The question was asked a few weeks ago, and we looked through community members' responses. Usual suspects like Twitter, Slack, and Spotify are toward the top.

What's interesting is looking at some of the lesser known apps. The products that are part of people’s daily workflows, and could be part of your own. Here are a few of the gems you may not know about:

Multiple people recommended, which gives you a new virtual credit card for every transaction. Daniel says: "Each time I need to shop on mobile, which is like everyday, I create cards."

Martin recommended FindFocus, an anti-procrastination app that helps you stop wasting time on Product Hunt (and FB, YouTube, etc.)

Michael says that Taskful helps keeps him on track, while Matthias says Yoink makes copying/moving around files easier on Mac.

Check out the full list of 50+ recommendations people use every day, and add your own daily habit recommendation on Product Hunt! 😺
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