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Daily Digest
Monday through Friday
If you're planning on cutting down your coffee consumptions, this email isn't for you. Bright innovators are continuing to work on new ways of consuming the magical bean that gives your startup fuel. Here are some of the latest coffee products for you. 😽

👨 Turn Mark Zuckerberg (or any image) into coffee with Ripple Maker
☕️ Keep your coffee in your pocket instead of a cup with GO CUBES
📙 Learn the science behind the bean by reading How to Make Coffee
🍼 Sip on Soylent's well balanced coffee-based Coffiest breakfast
🔎 Find the best coffee shops to work from (WiFi password included)

We have a special treat today: Live Chat with Philz Coffee CEO Jacob Jaber at 10am PST (you can ask your question early here).
More Live Chat News! We've added some new guests to the upcoming schedule:
• Airbnb Co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky
• 21 Inc CEO and a16z Board Partner Balaji S. Srinivasan
• Beme co-founder and YouTuber Casey Neistat
• SoulCycle co-founders Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler
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Daily Digest
Monday through Friday
For those with FOMO. Never miss a headline and be the first to spot the next big thing among the top 10 products each day.