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This #1 Mac app has stolen your data
This #1 Mac app has stolen your data
A #1 top paid app in the Mac App Store has been stealing your data. 😳

Adware Doctor, which promised to "prevent malware and malicious files from infecting your Mac" actually created a locked history of your personal data, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari browser history... then uploaded it to a server in China. Not good.

The developers avoided Apple's detection for months by pausing their data collection when the app was run for the first time. The app has since been pulled from the Mac Store. 🤔

Now is also a good to chance to protect yourself from future hacks:

😱 Have I Been Pwned? will inform you if one of your accounts was compromised. They've cataloged over 5.3 Billion hacked accounts.

🦊 Mozilla's Facebook Container just launched to block Facebook from tracking you around the internet. Don't tell Zuck. 😳

🔍 Alphabet's Outline is an open-sourced VPN builder for anybody. Instead of trusting some shady company with all of your traffic, build your own private network to protect all your data.

🔐 1Password is better than storing your passwords on a post-it note on your desk, integrated into literally every browser.

💳 is the Snapchat of credit cards, generating a new (potentially ephemeral) credit card for every transaction online.

What's missing? Share your favorites and explore 20+ other tools that might save your butt. 😅
NEW from Google: Blog Compass, a tool to track page views, moderate unsavory comments, and check visibility. Blog on! 🔖
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