Your best advice for makers ever? āœØ

Paul Mit
21 replies
I thought about what is the one and most important piece of advice that has helped me as a creator? šŸ‘‰ Be patient and be persistent. It had a big effect on me. Don't give up right away, wait for the moment ā€” is the only way to pass the Valley of Death for Saas startups. Can you share the most important insight about what helps you along the way?


Paul Mit
I remembered another piece of advice from a wise man: Sleep 40 minutes during the day for better productivity :)
Peter Chudakov
@mituhin damn, that's a good advice!
Be inspired and creative!
Paul Mit
@ksusha_golovchenko agree, but it's not that easy šŸ˜†
Alex Mazko
I'm driven by a dream
Paul Mit
@alex_mazko it's a good guiding star!
Pavel Kuprin
Try to be more observant. I think a creator is distinguished by his view of things
Paul Mit
@kuprin It also halps to see the variability of solutions, so that you don't get locked into 1 option that you fell in love with. There's always more than one way.
Paul Mit
@kuprin A wide outlook! It's important.
Sonia Kost
Stay true to yourself and work on the value of what you're making āœØ
Jerry M Gallegos
Acquire the fundamentals of principals and theories. Pursue your passion for helping others find there skillset to be successful.
Paul Mit
@jerry_m_gallegos Definitely good advice!
Rich Watson
If you don't believe in what your building, then don't do it.
Paul Mit
@richw true! It is hard to follow other people's dreams, find your own passion,
flo merian
Launching soon!
Just fu**ing do it
Patience is the key. Don't quit. Work hard consistently and wait for things to happen in their own time.
Nikola Cvetkovic
I think it's most important to find and talk to the right people for your Saas.