What are your goals for the month?

Elif Duran
132 replies
It's October already! πŸ‚ Excited month for us, our top 3 goals are: - Preparing for Product Hunt launch of BeforeSunset - Releasing onboarding feature - Engaging with more users What are yours? https://www.usebeforesunset.com/


Nithin Jawahar
@pradeeb28 this is actually a big problem that is not addressed often. I just switched from windows to mac and this is a nightmare. Will definitely give spaces for mac a try
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@pradeeb28 Good luck with your launch, do you have a date?
@elifduran Thanks. I am thinking to launch before Thanksgiving.
@elifduran I've launched a small product of mine today https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Carmen Judson
Good luck with your launch.
Shail Silver
@carmen_judson Launched today! That was the big one! Check us out, ParagraphAI is trending on the homepage.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@carmen_judson Thank you Carmen!
BegΓΌm AtΔ±lgan
I plan to finalize our company budget for 2023. And BeforeSunset helps me greatly on that as I can see our 2022 time logs and budget figures.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@begum_atilgan Amazing to hear that BegΓΌm πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Jasper Ruijs
Work-related: - Finish course proposal for Personal Finance - Finish Growth Report - Setup Webinar - Do the second Producthunt Launch Personal: - Meditate daily - Food Prep - Study Tarot cards reading
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@jas801 good luck with your launch!
Vitaliy K
Any initial task is to give value to customers and increase your profit by solving their problems.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@vkhoroshkov one of the bests πŸš€
I would like to continue to develop my soft skills . Namely the ability to delegate tasks that take too much time and that I don't get the best results from doing on my own. This is still very difficult for me, but I will work on myself. Now, for example, I'm trying to use a EssayShark essay writing service that will write the essay instead of me. This is a very difficult task for me, I've never been able to write. But for some reason I didn't recognize it.
Scott Chen
Over the years, a tonne of material has collected. Donate the items you don't use so you won't drown in the stacks. Additionally, if you want to be proactive, contribute one item of comparable size for every new item you bring in. By doing this, the buildup will reduce and the mind will be free to focus on the objective.
George T. George
To learn more about schema markup across different verticals.
Rich Watson
Preparing for launch as well Would like to get a video made this month thetradehub.net
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@richw good luck with your launch!
Harry Reafor
I'm making our core products this month. Our launch is soon so definitely a crunch for this certain aspect of the whole brand
Pavel Keyzik
- I want to visit new city in country I moved in couple month ago - Share my MVP version of personal finances app, to test the flow with Open Source community - Try to not forget about Hacktoberfest
Congrats on the launch! Do you have the date yet?
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@oksana_ch Thank you Oksana! Planning the beginning of November πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Katharina Pilz
Good luck for your launch πŸš€ Your website looks great already! Goal for us for October is also to prepare for launch and if everything goes as planned launch this month
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@katharina_pilz Thank you very much, Katharina! I hope you achieve the best launch πŸš€
Ahamzie Izuchukwu
Strategic positioning in the web3 space and landing gigs from new projects.
Stefani Sparysheva
Work: - Do Reforge course (very excited about it) - Do my first Producthunt launch (even more excited) Personal: - Resume my yoga-at-home classes 🧘 - Finish home renovation (oh gosh!)
Krzysztof Studniarek
- Engage with more users - Build roadmap for AdminJS - Hire Full-stack dev
Launching soon!
-Working on the new features of my product -Increase the sales activity by finding new prospects
Aleh Barysevich
Good luck launching your tool, Elif! πŸ™Œ Our team plans to release a few awesome software updates and get prepared for a new launch of Rank Tracker (https://www.link-assistant.com/r...).
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@ab80 Thanks Aleh, and have the best release you too.
Swapnil D Puranik
First - love the name! My goals for October - 1. Complete 2 books 2. Finalize my first digital product 3. Start my newsletter
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@swapdp_01 Thank you very much Swapnil ☺️ vaoow, 2 books to finish πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
Swapnil D Puranik
@elifduran that's the goal! now that I have committed it publicly my hope is i will achieve it.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@swapdp_01 Looking forward to hear the good news πŸ’ͺ🏼
Binod T
To go for hiking