Staying focused amidst all the chaos 🎧

Distractions are everywhere, especially when you're juggling multiple roles. What are your techniques for maintaining focus and productivity?


Eric Savina
The Pomodoro technique really helps with maintaining focus and productivity. Slots of 25 minutes without any distraction are surprisingly a very efficient way to stay focused on one task.
Carolline Miranda
As someone handling 3 roles in 1. I book my weekly calendar in advance, allocating specific time slots for each role's main activities. I also schedule dedicated time for myself (15min every 2 hours) to prevent stress between these responsibilities - it helps me stay focused and sane
Staying focused amidst chaos can definitely be a challenge, but I've found a few techniques that work for me.
Vivek Karna
I have tried Pomodoro, blocking time on calendar to clear notifications, maintaining a todo list, planning the week ahead. Also, to be on top of my work emails, i have tried tools like Superhuman. Infact, I am building a product to help people find focus amongst all the communication chaos. Its called Zivy.
I’ll literally just put my phone somewhere else than my work room.
Umair Zubair
Find a quiet and comfortable place to work or study. Minimize distractions by turning off notifications on your devices.
William Davis
Consider using noise-canceling headphones or listening to instrumental music to drown out background noise.
Anh Ngo (Austin)
Put phones outside of the working room
Sandhana Arkish
Use time-blocking techniques to allocate specific periods for focused work.
Sansa Grey
Techniques like deep breathing can reduce stress and improve your ability to concentrate.
Raza Rasool
Celebrate small victories to stay motivated.
Azada Shams
I would rather work in the office and study at the library far from all the distractions.