LinkedIn vs. Product Hunt vs. Twitter (X)?

Which platform do you prefer? πŸ€” –––––––––– TBH, Product Hunt is a great place to get ideas and meet like-minded people. However, I still miss the element of private messages and adding more complex posts (e.g. photos, videos, GIFs, graphics). Because of this, I connect with people from Product Hunt on LinkedIn, so I think LinkedIn is the ultimate social network for me on the list so far.


Mizanur Rahman
I think Product hunt is best.
I think exactly the same sis.
I have a twitter account and I was thinking of launching my product here on Product Hunt. I'm a newbie lo. Would love to connect with everyone but also don't know where to start and feeling a bit overwhelmed since there's so much to consider when launching. I see that you've launched 3 products already, Nika. Any tips for someone like me? And can't you post photos, videos and other graphics here?
@bearsthy Hey there! Welcome to the Product Hunt adventure! It's normal to feel a bit overwhelmed at first, but don't worry, I've got your back. For a stellar launch, focus on a clear, engaging pitch, interact with the community, and yes, you can spice up your post with images and even GIFs! It's all about showcasing your product in its best light. Feel free to ask if you need more tips; the Product Hunt community is here to cheer you on!
@istiakahmad Thank you so much. This makes me feel so welcome :)
@istiakahmad sure! I just scheduled my first ever launch on here. Hopefully it'll go well on launch day.
Business Marketing with Nika
@istiakahmad @bearsthy Please, let us know when the launch will be live. DM on LinkedIn. :-)
@istiakahmad @busmark_w_nika Just tried to connect with you. I sent a note too.
Indiana Joshi
Product Hunt is Good one
Jules Essen
For me it's Product Hunt right now. I do think they have a long way to go in terms of features, like the ones you mentioned. But the community is the best so that makes up for all of it.
@julesfyt Absolutely! Features are cool, but it's the Product Hunt community magic that sets it apart. It's like a cozy cafe where everyone's passionate about what they're brewing. Quality over quantity, right? Let's keep enjoying the hunt together! β˜•
Khul Anwar
for connect with people i prefer twitter, for launch and discuss related product producthunt better i think. linkedin i think to reach more preffsional guy, idk
Business Marketing with Nika
@khulanwar Good to know. What about Facebook? :-D We used this platform for connecting. Or is this platform already dead? :-D
Khul Anwar
@busmark_w_nika i rarely use facebook honestly, but i found some producthunt community on facebook from other hunter.
Olena Bomko
LinkedIn is my main channel. But I use Twitter and PH, too :) I don't use anything else.
@olenabomko Solid choices! LinkedIn for the power plays, Twitter for the real-time buzz, and Product Hunt for the innovation fix. Keeping it focused and efficient, less noise, more impact.
Business Marketing with Nika
@olenabomko When did you start build your LinkedIn? :-)
Tornike Tsiramua
I am both, Linkedin and PH. both are great platforms for new connections and getting new everyday. It helps me in building a community
Business Marketing with Nika
@tornike_tsiramua1 Tornike, are we already connected on LI? If not, can we? :-)
William Woods
Product hunt is best