Let's connect on LinkedIn!

Samir Rashed
54 replies
Please Leave your LinkedIn account link in the comments. Happy to connect with all of you! https://www.linkedin.com/in/sami...


Vian Trinh
@paulhk Hi Paul I've sent you an invitation on LinkedIn :)
Paul Hyeunkyu Kim
@vianingrowth Got it! We (Swit) are actually expanding to Singapore. I'd love to connect with you!
Owen Keller
Sure Samir Lets talk on LinkedIn
Join this LinkedIn group. It’s a free mastermind group just started for virtual topic focused meetings https://www.linkedin.com/groups/...
@slimmy82 Joined. Looking forward to some productive meet-ups :)
@rockyperezz awesome! I really think it’s going to be a productive and helpful mastermind
Jeff Fajans
Great! I'd love to connect with anyone as well and happy to support however I can. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff...
Dr. Bahar Abdul Ahad Rph.
SAAS and Email Marketing Expert here!! Looking forward to serve and connect with you all. www.linkedin.com/in/dr-bahar-abd...