Let's connect on LinkedIn!

Samir Rashed
54 replies
Please Leave your LinkedIn account link in the comments. Happy to connect with all of you! https://www.linkedin.com/in/sami...


Join this LinkedIn group. It’s a free mastermind group just started for virtual topic focused meetings https://www.linkedin.com/groups/...
@slimmy82 Joined. Looking forward to some productive meet-ups :)
@rockyperezz awesome! I really think it’s going to be a productive and helpful mastermind
Owen Keller
Sure Samir Lets talk on LinkedIn
Jeff Fajans
Great! I'd love to connect with anyone as well and happy to support however I can. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff...
Vian Trinh
@paulhk Hi Paul I've sent you an invitation on LinkedIn :)
Paul Hyeunkyu Kim
@vianingrowth Got it! We (Swit) are actually expanding to Singapore. I'd love to connect with you!
Dr. Bahar Abdul Ahad Rph.
SAAS and Email Marketing Expert here!! Looking forward to serve and connect with you all. www.linkedin.com/in/dr-bahar-abd...