How do you balance "industry" language vs general language in your Product Hunt launch?

Nik Hazell
2 replies
Hey PH! We launched today - and had a lot of discussion about whether to go for very industry specific language, or whether to keep it broad for the wider Product Hunt community. An example - should we say "Static Creative" or an "image ad". What are your thoughts? Do you have industry-specific jargon that you've had to cut out? And of course - if you want to hop over and see what we decided to go for, we're here;


Geri Máté
I think jargon is a double edged sword that should be used wisely. If you're talking to an audience that's specialized in your field, then using jargon can be a way to show you know what you talk about but doing too much can make you look suspect for covering up your lack of knowledge, in other words, BSing. If you're talking to a more heterogenic audience, then keep things simple as if you're trying to explain something to a 5 year old. We're working on a product that probably won't have a landslide success on Product Hunt, so we're only here to gain attention from the technical people here. We aim at solving a very special technical problem, so as the marketer on the team, I'm not even thinking about talking to people who aren't involved in the problem we solve. So expect jargon in our launch when the day comes.
Brenna Donoghue
Congrats on the launch! This looks great. I aways lean towards talking to the audience... so when it comes to PH, I wrote for geeky early adopters and makers (is that how we define ourselves?!). Congrats on the launch!