πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ $230 000 monthly recurring revenue ACHIEVED πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Lisa Dziuba
81 replies
I joined WeLoveNoCode as a mentor, and soon as a Head of Marketing. Since August we were working a lot with product marketing, community & content, growth, and paid channels. Today I'm super excited that we have grown our MRR to $230K MRR, which is a 2.7Million in ARR πŸŽ‰ WeLoveNoCode (http://welovenocode.com/) helps startups, agencies, and SMBs build any product faster and more affordable with the power of no-code. We match awesome companies with awesome no-code developers and it works :) My biggest takeaway as a Head of Marketing and ex-founder is that you need to solve a very painful customer need on the big growing market better than any other player. Sound obvious, right? Marketing is a fuel that drives the product with PMF to the right users with the right message via the right marketing channels. Great marketing, led by a strong team, will supercharge product with PMF. And if you add here a fast-growing market, like no-code, you will receive a hyper-growth.


Victor Eduoh
Say this again and again and again: "Marketing is a fuel that drives the product with PMF to the right users with the right message via the right marketing channels. Great marketing, led by a strong team, will supercharge product with PMF. And if you add here a fast-growing market, like no-code, you will receive a hyper-growth." Lemme try to buttress that a bit... Marketing is fuel. The engine (and everything that makes it work) is your solution. The car is the place customers want to go. PMF is ensuring the car is driving in the right lane, in the right direction.
Lisa Dziuba
@victor_eduoh with PMF any marketing will not work. Agree?
The VBC - The Virtual Business Card
Congratulations, hope for me I will be able to doing the same Do you have any advices?
Nik Shevchenko
@vbc_app what's your product is about?
The VBC - The Virtual Business Card
@kodjima33 It's a PWA for remove paper business cards for goods... even all others scanning business cards app. I will launch at the start of next year.
Klein Udumaga
Crazy growth! πŸ’«
Nik Shevchenko
@klein_udumaga thanks for helping us achieve it!
Klein Udumaga
@kodjima33 it’s been an absolutely pleasure. Thanks fir the opportunity.
Great job!!!
Congratulations for the growth Lisa. $230K is a huge number. You are leading Welovenocode marketing beautifully. I believe nocode industry will grow immense because it makes content creation and product building extremely accessible to so many creative people.
@kodjima33 Definitely Nik, I've planned to build a very basic product about nocode early next year. With basic coding skills HTML, CSS nothing more. Really excited about how this industry grows and impacts the world. Personally I use Carrd and Gumroad a lot and see first hand how fast they grow.
Nik Shevchenko
@luciantartea totally agree! No-code is amazing place to be, it's organically growing tight now.
Congratulations to Lisa and to WeLoveNoCode!
Mugeni M
Kudos to Lisa and your team!!
Tobi Gbemisola
Big congrats to the team πŸŽ‰
@tobigbemisola πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯
Nikhil Khedlekar
The No code revolution begins!! πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯
A kaldybayev