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Yury Nedomolkin
Make it easier for developers to implement a component with each variant being labeled. You can configure the plugin to generate a component specs with only the most essential variants.
Specspec - component specs plugin
Specspec - component specs plugin
Figma plugin to generate specs for developer handoff
Yury Nedomolkin
Yury Nedomolkin
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useful app wonderfully executed! great job!
Learn new words with flashcards to master Chinese faster
Yury Nedomolkin
a posts feed and a non-boring staff directory that allows you to get to know your teammates better.
A place to share your off-work moments with colleagues.
Yury Nedomolkin
icons, emojis, illustrations + layout algorithm + colors
. . .
neat background of any size
Background Generator
Background Generator
Simple & friendly background generator
Yury Nedomolkin
A design tool based on packs of adaptive elements.
For makers who are not professional designers.
For music makers, for coders, for writers, and other creatives.
Remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose.
Mobile version is yet to come.
Simple & friendly design tool for makers