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Vaibhav Verma
Truffle is the automated restaurant tracking app! We help foodies track every restaurant they visit. We have a bunch of integrations! For example, anytime you post a restaurant on your IG story, we automatically track that restaurant for you on Truffle.
The automated restaurant tracking app
Vaibhav Verma
Vaibhav Verma
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Jemi 2.0
Website builder for creators and entrepreneurs
Vaibhav Verma
Vaibhav Verma
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Keep up the great work team :)
Mudrex Marketplace
Invest using top strategies made by pro-traders
Vaibhav Verma
Vaibhav Verma
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Congrats!! đŸ”¥
The best way to evaluate talent
Vaibhav Verma
Simmer (formerly Foodie) has reviews for every dish on a restaurant’s menu. It's a dish decider for when you're at a restaurant. We use ML to algorithmically generate ratings. So far, we have 380k ratings at 5k San Fran, Manhattan, and Chicago restaurants.
Simmer (formerly Foodie)
Yelp, but for every dish on the menu
Vaibhav Verma
Vaibhav Verma
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These founders really know what they're doing :) Keep up the good work
Automate your crypto trading without writing code
Vaibhav Verma
Vaibhav Verma
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Cool stuff!
High-quality stock videos that are completely free.