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Solomon Kingsnorth
Fablegym provides heavyweight literary workouts for deep thinkers. Sign up for a 30-day challenge, invite your friends and feel the burn. Reclaim your attention span by reading the best books ever written in daily bite-sized chunks, directly from your inbox.
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Solomon Kingsnorth
Solomon Kingsnorth
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Looks great!
Thunk Notes
Thunk Notes
The modern daily thinking tool
Solomon Kingsnorth
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Solomon Kingsnorth
Solomon Kingsnorth
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This is a personal game changer. Thank you so much!
Octopus Do 2.0
Octopus Do 2.0
A lightning-fast visual sitemap builder
Solomon Kingsnorth
AI-powered platform for building questions, quizzes and assessments automatically from any text.
Auto-generate a quiz from any content using AI
Solomon Kingsnorth
A curated list of resources covering every aspect of podcasting, from microphone recommendations to guest booking.
Curated list of resources for podcasters
Solomon Kingsnorth
Serge hunts, trials and vets the top 2% of illustrators under $21 on popular freelancer sites (currently, 23% on the list are $5). Then he drops the list in your inbox along with 44 replicable and customisable 'house styles' by each illustrator.
Curated directory for custom illustrations at stock prices.
Solomon Kingsnorth
Relish is a training app that helps you analyze and repair your relationship with unlimited text based coaching and a fully customized improvement plan.
Training app for rebuilding relationships.
Solomon Kingsnorth
Solomon Kingsnorth
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Hey, you’ve probably heard of Carbon but just in case:
Dan Siepen
What are the best cost effective or cheap ad networks for makers or early stage B2B SaaS companies?
Solomon Kingsnorth
Create pop-up joint accounts and digital kitties in Group Jars. Up to 30 people can pay in, spend, keep track of the same Jar and leave notes and messages. No more messy transfers or arguments about whose round it is. Social spending that works.
Joint accounts and group kitties for up to 30 people
Solomon Kingsnorth
Children's education will be hit hard during prolonged school closures - particularly the most vulnerable. Researchify is a simple curriculum search engine that only displays relevant and readable results, enabling kids to work on remote assignments easily.
Research tool for kids during a COVID-19 schools shutdown.