Magomed Vedzizhev

Magomed Vedzizhev

Support Manager of Layer
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Magomed Vedzizhev
Magomed Vedzizhev
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Manage about 6 to 7 hours of good work each day!
Suchal Bojamma
How many hours do you really feel productive at work each day? 😅
Suchal Bojamma
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Magomed Vedzizhev
Magomed Vedzizhev
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Wow!! 🚀⭐️ Good job!
Artem Luko
I've spent 3 years to make a browser extension startup 🤯
Magomed Vedzizhev
Magomed Vedzizhev
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Good luck team!!
Marvin Mändle
We are ready! Tomorrow we share our Coffee-Breaks with the community. Any last minute advices?
Marvin Mändle
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Magomed Vedzizhev
Magomed Vedzizhev
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LinkedIn and X, I think
Austin Armstrong
What are the best social media platforms for SaaS startups?
Austin Armstrong
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Magomed Vedzizhev
Magomed Vedzizhev
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I think of course Figma and... Canva!
Ghulam Abbas
What are the best graphic designing tools?
Magomed Vedzizhev
Magomed Vedzizhev
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We have a completely remote job) Doing our job, you can completely do without an office
Marvin Mändle
Remote culture, back in the office or something in between?
Marvin Mändle
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Magomed Vedzizhev
Magomed Vedzizhev
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I think that for this you just need to do your favorite thing 😊
Ghulam Abbas
What is the way to make life happy?
Magomed Vedzizhev
Magomed Vedzizhev
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Yes, I like it, but not always. This can usually slow down productivity a bit
Priyanka Saini
Do you like to listen to music while working?
Priyanka Saini
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Magomed Vedzizhev
Magomed Vedzizhev
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Supported you! Good job!
Cameron Henhawke
My first Product Hunt launch:
Cameron Henhawke
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