Dalton Fowler

Dalton Fowler

Founder @ Giftata
52 points
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Dalton Fowler
Giftata helps you save time and build stronger relationships through highly accurate gift recommendations 🎉
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Giftata 2.0
A free, fast, & simple way to always find the right gift
Dalton Fowler
Our mission is to bring the joy back to giving and receiving gifts. We're using AI to recommend products that would make the perfect gift for the exact person you need the gift for, based on several granular data points.
Giftata: AI-Driven Gift Curation
Reminders + AI to suggest the perfect gift
Dalton Fowler
We've partnered with local boutique and artisanal businesses that were deemed non-essential and have been forced to close. We're including products from these local businesses in our care packages, along with difficult to find essentials. Proceeds go to 501c
Care Packages by Giftata
Find essentials while supporting at-risk small businesses