Yonatan Wolowelsky

Yonatan Wolowelsky

Co-Founder & CTO at Jiga
467 points
All activity
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
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Love to see you keep on rockin it @liorgrossman
Find the perfect gift for every person and occasion with AI
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
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Awesome Product and team
Data Blaze
Data Blaze
A spreadsheet for doers
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
This looks so nice
Collect submissions from your HTML form in 2 minutes
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
what's wrong with cloudflare?
Simple and privacy-friendly Cloudflare alternative
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Wow this is great!
HelpKit Knowledge Base
HelpKit Knowledge Base
Build a professional help center or doc site with Notion
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Looks like a neat solution for a very manual-work problem. well done
Request documents at scale, and track them like a CRM
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
this looks amazing, access requested
Equals Import Scripts
Equals Import Scripts
A spreadsheet with SQL, JavaScript, and Python built in
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Very cool. only textures for now?
Generate design assets in seconds with AI
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Finally! Well done Tom and team
The enterprise ready webhook sending service
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Looks really cool
Craftwork 5
Helping designers, startups, and brands to design faster
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Looks very needed
ClipDrop Figma Plugin
ClipDrop Figma Plugin
Magically decompose images into multiple layers in Figma
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Looks really cool
Make tasks disappear like magic
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
which dbs does it supports?
In-database machine learning
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Installed in 2 websites, thanks
Help Ukraine Widget
Help Ukraine Widget
Your website can help stop the war in Ukraine
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
The website "helpukrainewin.org" is down
Help Ukraine Widget
Help Ukraine Widget
Your website can help stop the war in Ukraine
+1 comment
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Awesome idea, well done!
Help Ukraine Widget
Help Ukraine Widget
Your website can help stop the war in Ukraine
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Looks amazing Terra team!
Authentication for wearables and sensors
Authentication for wearables and sensors
Widget/UI to connect your app to all wearables
Yonatan Wolowelsky
Yonatan Wolowelsky
left a comment
Love it!
No-code UI component builder for SaaS products