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Startup Timelines
Startup Timelines
Mining the Internet Archive to see how startups evolve.
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Works on all 3 platforms? Nicely done.
Control your presentation with hand gestures
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Very cool. How does this have only 13 upvotes?
Code Fight Club
Code Fight Club
A fight club you can talk about. Less punching, more coding.
Origami for the web.
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Oops, thought this was crap taxonomies.
Crappy Taxidermy
Crappy Taxidermy
The world's largest image depository of Hilarious Taxidermy
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"Petition" seems an odd choice of wording for a consumer demand survey.
Heat Map Microwave
Heat Map Microwave
Microwave w/ an IR camera. Visually displays food heat
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Is this the one from TCDSF last year?
Real-time booking of freight shipping containers
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If this had audio it would be perfect. (Also, more vocabulary.)
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