Den Taylor

Den Taylor

Software Engineer
52 points
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Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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I am impressed with this it is solving important problem for contract management
Lawformer AI
Lawformer AI
Turn your document databases into AI powered libraries
Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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How to rank our videos on YouTube?

Any suggestions?
Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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A great way to connect with the inner circle. Kudos team
Bubbl Widget
Social media for just you and your close circle
Den Taylor
Checkbook Pro is powerful Windows expense manager software that streamlines finances. It tracks all expenses across various domains without subscriptions. Buy once, use forever. Perfect for personal and business use.
Checkbook Pro
PC Software to Track Expenses
Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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You again :p
Samar Ali
Launching this weekend! Who else is launching this week?
Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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My knowledge of a particular historical era.
Ayesha Mughal
What would someone who doesn't know you well be most surprised about?
Ayesha Mughal
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Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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Creativity & self-expression: explore your creative potential & make something beautiful.
Ghost Kitty
What does it mean to "live a good life" in your opinion?
Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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Misty Copeland for family ballet nights.
If you could have any person become a member of your family, who would you choose?
aurther bella
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Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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The unexpected kindness of a stranger.
Ghost Kitty
What will be your go-to story when you're old?
Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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thomas jack
If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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Fancy coffee grinder, manual labor proving less romantic than imagined.
Vincent Delitz
What was your last bad purchase?
Vincent Delitz
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Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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Use a variety of tools and platforms to reach your community where they are.
At what point in your business journey, do you think about building a community?
Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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Ice skating under the stars, a magical winter adventure.
Felya Bilgen
Got any plans for the first weekend of 2024?
Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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The Room (2003).
What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
Yolanda C. Schneider
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Den Taylor
Den Taylor
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What was your dream job as a kid?
Slim Geransar
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