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Anurag Ramdasan
These are the people behind our favorite corner of the internet, #BookTok! This community is so influential it is often described as "the world's largest book club."
Top 83 Booktokers
Top 83 Booktokers
People leading "the world's largest book club"
Anurag Ramdasan
Since we have the reading lists of 600+ really successful people, the question we get asked most often is "but what do the MOST successful read?" This list is the answer.
Books Billionaires Read
Books Billionaires Read
What the 1% of the 1% recommend
Anurag Ramdasan
As AI art grows in popularity, so does prompt engineering (people get paid to write better prompts). We built this tool so you can enjoy becoming your own prompt engineer!
Dall-E 2 Prompt Optimizer
Dall-E 2 Prompt Optimizer
Helps you write better prompts
Anurag Ramdasan
40+ books that will give you a great overview of each industry. We believe reading this list is an awesome way to understand how the modern world works.
Industry Books
Industry Books
Best books to learn about 40+ industries
Anurag Ramdasan
We believe the best way to "live in the future" is by staying on top of new products and trends. So every day you'll receive the top trending posts on Product Hunt, Show HN, and Github Trending.
Tech Landscape
Tech Landscape
Top tech products newsletter
Anurag Ramdasan
Our goal was to find the best gifts for book lovers on the internet (mostly to get ready for Christmas!) So we gathered a huge list of gifts from all over the web and only added those with at least 100 ratings + 4 stars on Amazon :)
Best Gifts for Book Lovers
Best Gifts for Book Lovers
Gifts and ideas for the book lovers in your life
Anurag Ramdasan
Pick two people you admire, see which books they both recommend.
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See the overlap of top founders' recommended books
Anurag Ramdasan
Anurag Ramdasan
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Congratulations @manik_me on the launch! This looks really great.
Membership Management by Omnify
Membership management & reservation platform for communities
Anurag Ramdasan
Our first GPT-3 app. The goal is to give great book recommendations (based on what you're in the mood for).
GPT-3 Books
GPT-3 Books
Book recommendations powered by OpenAI
Anurag Ramdasan
MRB 2.0 is the biggest resource of verified book recommendations.
Most Recommended Books 2.0
Books recommended by the world's most successful people
Anurag Ramdasan
After wondering which books were recommended over and over again on the Tim Ferriss show, a friend and I quickly built this site!
(we also added a few other well-known thought leaders like Bill Gates, Keith Rabois, Jack Dorsey, etc...)
Most Recommended
Most Recommended
Tim Ferriss Show guests' (and others) most recommended books