Alessandro Valentini

Alessandro Valentini

Marketing Lead @ Qudo
114 points
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Alessandro Valentini
Alessandro Valentini
started a discussion

Have you tried Claude 3 Opus and have you found that AI to be as great as online communities say?

The latest top model from Antropic AI, Claude 3 Opus, is being praised on several communities on Reddit and on Twitter/X. I'm curious to hear from the PH community what are your experiences!
Alessandro Valentini
Alessandro Valentini
left a comment
If this doesn't go to Product of the Day Imma get mad
IndieHackers RPG Game 🕹️
IndieHackers RPG Game 🕹️
A retro RPG with a modern twist: AI-Powered NPC dialogues
Alessandro Valentini
Alessandro Valentini
left a comment
Oh wow! OK, this is really exciting!
Let GPT control your Android phone
Alessandro Valentini
Alessandro Valentini
left a comment
"400 Minified React error #130" :/
The ultimate guide to unlocking the power of AI and chatGPT
Alessandro Valentini
Alessandro Valentini
left a comment
Great idea! Kudos!
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